Back to School Ready

Back to school means new school supplies, new backpacks, new clothes, and new friends! While preparing your child to go back to school be sure to prepare them intellectually.

Researchers at the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire did a long-term study concluding that 42% of online users ages 10-17 had been exposed to online pornography. Of those, 66% reported only unwanted exposure.

You don't need to be a scientific researcher to realize the magnitude of that exposure rate.

We want to be intentional parents. It's our privilege and responsibility to educate our kids about sexuality. It is important to begin early and continue throughout their time at home. Here are some quick tips on how to educate your children:

1. Define Pornography
 It may sound strange, but your child may not know how to define pornography. Even if they have heard the word, they may not know what it means. In this case, it is important for parents to be the educators of their children. It is essential that a child not only know what pornography is but why it is bad.
Good Pictures Bad Pictures is a great recourse for parents preparing to teach their child about pornography. This read-aloud book is a comfortable way for parents to begin a conversation with their children.
2. Practice Open Communication
Ask your child to tell you if they see pornography. Children who are exposed to graphic material should be given an opportunity to confide in someone they trust. When they do come to you, it is important to remember that they may not have been seeking out graphic images in the first place. Teach your child that secrets are not the answer.
Finally, create open dialogue about what your child has done on the internet each day. Continually remind your child that they can tell you anything that may embarrass or upset them.