Body Safety Education

"We teach our children water safety and road safety - it is equally
important to teach our children 'body Body Education booksafety' from a young age," claims Jayneen Sanders author of Body Safety Education. As a teacher and a mother, Jayneen wrote her book in hopes of encouraging parents to make talking about 'body safety' a normal conversation for parents and children. Providing children with body safety skills both empowers them with knowledge of what is good and bad touch and teaches assertiveness - a crucial life skill.

Statistics report one in three girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. This statistic is truly frightening, and as many experts point out, this statistic only reflects reported cases. It is also reported that 93% of children abused know their predator. According to Jayneen, "the community's focus has so often been on 'stranger danger' - however, the reality is, the perpetrator will most likely be someone in the child's immediate family circle and a person they
know and trust."