When The Fifty Shades of Grey film franchise, based on the book series, was released a year ago, a new view of love and romance was formed in the minds of those exposed to the story. The Fifty Shades franchise is one that promotes rape...
When The Fifty Shades of Grey film franchise, based on the book series, was released a year ago, a new view of love and romance was formed in the minds of those exposed to the story. The Fifty Shades franchise is one that promotes rape...
Passengers, recently released in theaters, portrays two passengers on a 120-year voyage to another planet. Jim and Aurora, played by Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, awaken from their hibernation pods 90-years too early and discover...
The top box office film remains Doctor Strange for yet another weekend. According to MOVIEGUIDE, Doctor Strange is a story about an injured neurosurgeon who turns to the occult arts, sorcery and even killing to heal himself, massage his ego and...
Share Sully, in theaters now, shares the events that took place on January 15, 2009 when the world witnessed the "Miracle on the Hudson." Captain Sully Sullenberger saved the lives of all 155 passengers aboard gliding his...
I'm Not Ashamed is coming to theaters this October! A true story about Rachel Joy Scott from Columbine High School. Through Rachel's journal, viewers will be reminded how their lives can change when they put their trust in God. A...