Currently Browsing: Young Adults

Study Debunks the Myth That E-Cigs Are Safer Than Cigarettes

A new study by the American Physiological Society significantly debunks the myth that e-cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes. The Food and Drug Administration Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb says "E-cigs have become an almost ubiquitous...

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Sextortion Among Adolescents

A research article published in late September outlined just how significant the issue of sextortion is among young people in the United States. According to the article, "Sextortion is the threatened dissemination of explicit, intimate, or...

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Comprehensive Sex Education Fails to Serve America's Youth

The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), a national organization of child and adolescent physicians and health professionals, observes that most comprehensive sex education (CSE) programs offered in schools have not been effective at...

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What Teens Are Watching This Fall

As fall TV season begins this month, Axis makes note of two new releases that are gaining popularity among teenagers. First, the third season of the show Riverdale begins airing on the CW this week. Although the series is based on...

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Working With Students is Noble and Admirable

Working With Students is Noble and Admirable While teaching a workshop for high school and collegiate administrators, deans and principals, author and speaker Tim Elmore posed the question "What changes do you plan to...

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Creating a Family Media Plan

In a world where children are "growing up digital," it's important to help them learn healthy concepts of digital use and citizenship. Parents play an important role in teaching these skills. Here are a few tips from the American...

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Teen Privacy: Where to Begin

From a locked diary a generation ago to private social media activity on today's smartphones, parents and teens continue to face the same tension between privacy and protection, between freedom and accountability. Is it ever ok to invade my...

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What is School Surveillance Software?

Children returning to school this year are more likely than ever to be given an electronic device such as a laptop or tablet. While the Children's Internet Protection Act requires pubic schools to filter inappropriate content, some administrators want...

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Addressing Teen Sleep Deprivation

With a new school year underway, many schools are addressing sleep deprivation in the classroom. According to the Child Mind Institute, biology, technology and societal expectations, combined with homework and extracurricular activities, create a...

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How "Fear of Missing Out" (FoMO) Affects Time Behind the Wheel

Many have heard the phrase coined among today's teenagers, "Fear of Missing Out" (FoMO). While most perceive it as a harmless mantra for today's hyper-connected youth, a study released by Liberty Mutual Insurance revealed that the pressures...

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