Currently Browsing: Young Adults

Social Media and Mental Health

New findings published by The Lancet suggests social media use may be associated with young people's mental health, specifically young girls. United Kingdom researchers examined data on 10,904 14-year-olds born between 2000 and 2002 in the...

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Letters to My Future Husband

  "I started writing letters to my future husband when I was 13. Like most girls, I dreamed about what my future husband would be like. At first, my letters included a lot of silly facts about my life and guesses as to...

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Generation Z Lab Released

In a world where generations struggle more than ever to understand each other, it is pivotal to engage in conversations surrounding difficult topics lest pop culture is left to negatively shape thoughts, opinions, and hearts. Impact 360...

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Screens and Teens: Connecting With Our Kids In a Wireless World

  Do you catch yourself living through the lens - that is, taking so many photos with your phone or camera that you actually missed aspects of what was going on around you? Does perfectionism play into your photo-taking or your...

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Alive to Thrive: Preventing Teen Suicide

Teen suicide is a serious and troubling problem facing our country. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens in America. Focus on the Family recently published Alive to Thrive - A Guide to Preventing Teen Suicide, a program that...

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Social Support Fosters Academic Achievement

Research suggests that parental involvement and supervision considerably advance children's academic achievement. Support from family and friends also protects against bullying, which increases depressive symptoms and poor academic...

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Embracing an Attitude of Gratitude as a Family

Practicing gratitude is an essential attribute to enjoying the holiday season. According to psychologist and author Dr. Thomas Lickona, "Gratitude is the virtue of feeling and expressing thanks for benefits received. It's been called 'the secret...

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Monitoring Your Teenager's Online Activity

There are many apps parents can use to monitor their teens social media activity and amount of time spent online. In addition to regular conversations about technology and online safety, using apps to monitor family technology use may help foster...

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Helping to Manage Teen Stress & Anxiety

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, researcher Dr. Michael Leahy found that "anxiety has increased so much that typical schoolchildren during the 1980's reported more anxiety than child...

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Government Mandated Sex Education in Uganda

Parents in Kampala, Uganda began lamenting the effects of a new sex education program less than two months after it was introduced in schools. As a father of four, John Musisi shared with National Catholic Reporter (NCR)how government-mandated sex...

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