Healing After Sexual Abuse

Recently, there has been a lot of news regarding sexual abuse in Hollywood. Regardless of when or how sexual abuse has affected a person, it is still a difficult experience. Here are some ways to help if you or someone you know has been affected by sexual abuse:

Reach out for support.
Talk with someone you trust. You don't have to go through this alone. If you feel unsafe or are in immediate danger call 911.

Acknowledge that what happened is not your fault. 
Sexual assault often silences victims and causes them to feel shame. There is hope and healing after sexual abuse.

Talk to a professional. 
There is no one way to react or feel after sexual assault. A counselor can help you express and/or manage the feelings you have after sexual assault.

Practice self-care. 
Take time to exercise, get enough sleep, and eat well. Do things that relax and refresh you.

Parents, talk with your children about what sexual abuse is and how to report it. Looking for more information or help? Check out the booklet When Trust is Lost or call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673)