How to Begin Parenting the Internet Generation

Research published by the University of Alberta reported about 90 percent of boys and 70% of girls, ages 13 to 14, have accessed porn at least once. Researchers also discovered 35% of boys reported viewing porn online "too many times to count." On the same level, a study by the Pew Research Center indicated 30% of 17-year-olds have received a sext.

While current research suggests there are many parents concerned about these statistics, the same research also shows this concern doesn't translate to action. Exposure to pornography is unavoidable for most people, but pornography problems are preventable. Be encouraged. As a parent, there are many steps you can take to not just protect kids but prepare them for a world without filters.

According to Dr. Patricia M. Greenfield, a researcher in the area of sexual media at UCLA, "The most important factor in reducing porn usage among teens is a warm and communicative parent-child relationship." Covenant Eyes' free e-book, Parenting the Internet Generation, offers tools for parents ready to start the conversation.

The free e-book offers age appropriate conversations involving technology and sexuality that can take place as early as preschool. The book also provides a blueprint for creating and maintaining a foundation open to healthy conversations about sexuality in the home.