Pornography and the Brain

Neurons that fire together, wire together. Like other addictive substances, pornography floods the brain with dopamine. A consistent rush of dopamine traveling to the limbic system rewires the brain's reward pathway and ultimately changes the makeup of the brain. This can result in an increased appetite for pornography.

According to Covenant Eyes, there are five primary ways pornography effects the brain.

  1. Watching porn decreases sexual satisfaction.It trains us to desire the variety and "designer sex" of porn more than the familiar sexuality of marriage.
  1. Watching porn disconnects people from real relationships. It trains individuals to detach emotional involvement from sexual experience.
  1. Watching porn lowers ones view of women. It trains the viewer to see women as sexual commodities, not people created in God's image.
  2. Watching porn desensitizes the viewer to cruelty. It numbs those watching to the seriousness of verbal and physical aggression.
  3. Watching porn makes people want to watch more porn. It taps into the neurocircuitry of the brain, forming a desire for the rush of sexual energy from porn again and again.

Click HERE to learn more about the effects pornography has on the brain by downloading a free copy of Your Brain on Porn.

