Sexual Integrity 101

Check out these tips on maintaining sexual integrity:
Never put yourself or someone you care about in a tempting situation.
If it is helpful, call out specific areas as off limits. You might consider the bedroom to be off limits. Making sure you and your significant other are not spending time home alone would be another good boundary to maintain.
Find another person who has chosen abstinence.
You are not alone! Find someone else who is practicing a high standard of sexual integrity and keep each other accountable. If you know your friend is on a date, send them a text of encouragement beforehand. At times it is helpful to simply know that someone else cares and is there to keep you accountable. Don't be afraid to ask someone who chose abstinence prior marriage to be your mentor.
Don't justify sexual impurity.
Be honest with yourself. Face your sexual struggle, but don't do it alone. Recognize that becoming pure in heart means surrounding yourself with people who want the best for you and desire to help you and not harm you.