Simple Questions to Ask Before Starting a Relationship

While we can't predict the future of our relationships, we can prepare to make choices that will help guide us to a relationship that is exciting and honoring to God. Ask yourself these questions to help you get on the right path:
1. What is my first impression? As the old saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its cover." By finding out who the person you're interested in hangs out with will help you decide if the relationship is for you or not.
2. Do your values clash? The things that are important to you should be important to your partner (for example: You value good grades and plan to attend college). Do they have standards when watching movies or TV shows?
3. Do they keep their promises? If they have had other relationships, did they flirt with other people or cheat on their partner? Find out a little more about them first to keep from getting your heart broken by them!
For more questions to ask, visit Christianity Today.