Single Life Struggles

In a season of singleness or lifelong chastity, it's not uncommon to feel lonely or to crave physical intimacy. Our culture encourages a "quick fix" with hook ups and relationships without commitment, but they only lead to heartbreak. Covenant Eyes gives the following tips on how to fight against sexual temptation and live a life of purity as a single person:
1. Understand God's Design for Sex - Like many good things, sex is best within the safety and security of marriage.
2. Prepare for Battle - Be prepared for temptation so you are ready to fight it when it happens.
3. Make the Choice to Flee or Fight - Sexual thoughts and temptations will come your way even if you don't seek them out. Choose to flee or fight.
A: Flee from it. Physically remove yourself from the situation.
B. Fight it. When you can't physically get away from a thought or visual, mentally fight against it. Shift your focus to something positive.
4. Make Victory Easier - Remove temptations and triggers. Delete any apps or install website blocking software. Get an accountability partner or talk with others about your struggle.
Read more from Covenant Eyes here.