Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition: A $1 Billion Dollar Industry

According to Business Insider, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition has become the single best-selling issue in Time Inc.'s magazine franchise. The January issue alone has become a $1 billion dollar industry and accounts for nearly 10 percent of Sports Illustrated's overall revenue.

What does this say about our society? Do we equate the value and success of a women solely based on her looks? It is not unreasonable to say that the featured female athletes may discover they receive more attention for how they look in swimsuits than their athletic achievements.

The magazine sends a message that womens' bodies are for public consumption. Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition is described as soft-core pornography, a gateway to hard-core pornography. That being said, these magazines should not be displayed at the eye-level of children and in front of patrons who do not want to be exposed to soft-core pornography in store checkout lines.

The Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition is not an agent of empowerment but rather supports the dehumanization of women. Take action by contacting your local Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Walgreens and Safeway.