Teaching Respect Throughout The Years

Teaching respect to your children can be difficult no matter their age! We believe it is important to equip parents to begin teaching an attitude of respect when a child is young. Check out ideas on how to demonstrate this trait below:
For Newborns - This stage begins when parents meet the emotional and physical needs of a child. Parents who use "no" as an answer will help them enforce their expectations. A child should understand that "no" is more important then their "yes."
For Toddlers -  Set an example by saying "thank you" and then ask, "what do you need to say?". Show them how to practice kindness in different ways. For example, give coins to a charity or say a prayer for people involved in an emergency accident. This teaches them to have respect for the people around them.
To find out how to teach respect with children who may be older, click here for more information!