The Gift of Technology

Technology based toys are becoming a popular gift for all ages, even infants. Smartphones, gaming devices and wireless baby monitors are just a few types of devices created for entertainment and convenience. Unfortunately, these devices can also be hacked to gain personal information.

Here are a few tips on how to keep your toys and other electronics safe:

  • Connect toy to Wi-Fi network that is password protected and secure. Any open connection Wi-Fi is not secure and allows for others to potentially get your data.
  • Turn off toy when not in use. This reduces the risk of a hacker connecting to the device.
  • Be aware of what information is being sent over the toy/device. Does it ask for personal information like where your child goes to school or where they live? Is there a camera or video attached to the device that can store information?
If you believe a toy or device has been hacked, contact the FBI online at Read more about these toys from the Associated PressĀ here.