"The negative test clients are by far the most difficult
clients for me to consult."
We often hear this phrase at the Abstinence Clearinghouse. While we agree that the client who receives a negative pregnancy test is difficult to consult with, we know that the negative test client holds the greatest potential for transformation!
Join us Wednesday, September 5 at 4pm in Atlanta, Georgia at the 2018 Care Net Conference as Abstinence Clearinghouse Founder Leslee Unruh presents on how you can inspire virtue in the life of a negative test client.
If you are attending the conference this year, plan to visit the Abstinence Clearinghouse booth in the exhibit hall and collect free product samples. Unable to attend the conference but still want to learn more about reaching negative test clients at your pregnancy center? Email info@abstinence.net and we will send you a link after the conference informing you how to get a copy of the new e-booklet Inspiring Virtue in the Life of a Negative Test Client.