Quitting Pornography for Good

Pornography is a public health crisis. It is a persistent problem for both men and women. While men consuming pornography is considered "normal" by society's standards, women with a pornography addiction suffer added shame from struggling with a "male's problem." Pornography is an uncomfortable topic to address; but we all need to stand up for what is right. If we ignore the problem of pornography, it will destroy our families, friends, faith and society as a whole.

To overcome pornography addiction, many find it helpful to enroll in programs like Covenant Eyes. For the past 22 years, Covenant Eyes has helped over 1.5 million people begin a porn-free life with the philosophy, "Freedom from porn isn’t just about quitting porn but about changing your life so there’s no room for porn in the first place."

They are offering a free e-book to help individuals learn how to make small life adjustments and change habits to transform one's need for pornography and outlook on life.

Click here to download your free e-book!